Top Senate Democrats demand airlines carry EpiPens on flights

23 Dec, 2023
By Pete Muntean , CNN

A trio of top Senate Democrats is demanding the federal government require airlines to carry epinephrine auto-injectors – such as EpiPens – on board commercial flights.

In a letter shared first with CNN, Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer and Ed Markey tell the Federal Aviation Administration it has a “glaring gap” in its requirements for what is carried as part of in-flight emergency kits, which “puts airline passengers at risk.”

Epinephrine auto-injectors treat a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. The letter says FAA standards last updated in 2004 only require that airlines carry epinephrine in syringes “designed to be used primarily in the event of a cardiac emergency.”

Stocking only the vials of epinephrine, without auto-injectors, could have deadly consequences, according to the advocacy group FARE (Food, Allergy, Resource & Education).

“Most Americans do not know how to determine the proper dose of epinephrine to administer from a vial to treat an anaphylactic food allergy reaction, nor do they know how to safely and properly do so without an autoinjector.” the group warns on its website.

Now the lawmakers are pushing the FAA to change its requirements for airlines.


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